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Molly Ally Ice Cream Co.,Ltd - Bangkok, Thailand

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Incredibly Creamy Plant-Based Ice cream
Having Molly Ally ice cream brings back the delighted moment with rich taste and creamy texture to everyone's mind, just like having the dairy ones.
Int'l award-winning. We are ice cream that are Heartier to mind / Healthier to the body / Happier to the world
All of us were made with love and care. Hope we could more or less help refreshing your day, your hope, and your soul.

We use special coconut flower nectar sugar
50% lower glycemic index compared to normal sugar.
We are the best choice for diabetic, high cholesterol and weight control people. And yes, we are zero cholesterol.
“Unbelieveable this is plant-based. Really tasty and very creammy.”
"If you did't tell me
I will never know this is non-dairy."
“Give it a try
and you will be surprise.”

Our Clients and Partners


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